Small Groups
The church offers a number of groups for those interested in a variety of topics and activities. Like-minded members and friends of the church enjoy the fellowship that these groups afford, while participating in a range of enjoyable activities. You are most welcome to visit and join any of them! Have an idea for a new small group?
Contact the Small Groups Ministry at
Fair Ladies of Faith
Calling all women of the church: Are you looking for more in-depth interaction than the Sunday worship allows? Do you enjoy reading and study of interesting topics of faith? Do you want to build friendships? Consider either our evening or daytime Fair Ladies groups. We form our two groups in the late summer and then maintain this group for the year. Each group decides on monthly meeting times and locations. Contact Phyllis Beck for details at 618 201 4634.
Movie Night Group
Movies are chosen by group suggestion or by Kitty Trescott. Some, but not all, are chosen because they contain a Christian moral or connection. The evening begins in the church Fellowship Hall for pizza and sides. The group then moves to the Lounge to watch and discuss the movie. This small group is open to everyone.
Presbyterian Men
Currently on hiatus until local COVID rates stabilize. Presbyterian Men's group is open to all (both men and women are welcome). The group meets at River to River Assisted Living, located between Carbondale and Murphysboro, for fellowship, a light supper, and a guest speaker. Presentations cover a wide range of timely and fascinating topics.
Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women is open to all women. They meet in the Fellowship Hall for dessert, followed by discussion of the Horizons Bible Study (published by the Presbyterian Women of PC-USA, The first meeting this fall will be held on Tuesday September 20, starting at noon with a potluck lunch, followed by our study and meeting time. Subsequent meetings will begin at 1:00 with dessert, followed by study and meeting.
Restaurant Group
This group meets January through November, at various local restaurants. Group members take turns acting as the host who chooses the restaurant, makes necessary arrangements and takes reservations. Occasionally there is a speaker although the main focus is to build relationships among attendees. Everyone who enjoys eating out and paying their own way is welcome. This group supports Good Samaritan Ministries.
Snider Hill Interest Group
This group consists of church members plus community members who are interested in the history and maintenance of Snider Hill Cemetery. One of our church's founders donated a 1/2 acre lot for a "Presbyterian burial ground" which became Snider Hill Cemetery. About three times a season we schedule work days at the cemetery, and members also work on an ongoing research project. The next work day is Saturday June 25 beginning at 9 a.m.
Yarning to Make a Difference
This small group meets on the first Sunday of the month after the education hour; we do not meet during the summer. It is open to anyone who enjoys knitting or crocheting or wants to learn how to knit or crochet. Members make prayer shawls and baby blankets for church members and newly enrolled infants in the Presbyterian Church Day Care, as well as personal items. Bring lunch and a project!